About MLM-Launch

Here you find important information about our company and you get also the training you need to prepare you to get a fast start in your country!
You can get the free download of our presentationbook, just fill out the easy form at the right, and here you also learn how to build your business succesfully no matter which country you live in.
This gives you a huge advantage!
Enjoy and I wish you all your dreams come!

Oct 1, 2011

Herbalife Extravacanza Barcelona 2011 News

What a fantastic 2011 Herbalife Extravacanza we had in Barcelona. The company is growing big time, and it was fantastic to see how the company got started with just 9 people at the first Leadership Weekend in 1980. Yes Mark Hughes did the first Leadership weekend with just 9 qualified, one of them were Founders Circle Member Leslie Stanford. Today multimillionaire, and Today we have leadership weekends all over the world. 18.000  Herbalife supervisors gathered in Palau st Jordi Olympic stadium in Barcelona, made a huge extravacanza this year. see the photos

Here we just had our own party at a typical catalanian restaurant in Barcelona, as you see, we work better having fun, enjoying each other company. Here we are actually distributors from 4 different countries, Italy, Denmark, Moldavia and Argentina. It is exiting to meet and know people from all over the world, and Extravacanza is where you make friendships around the Globe.
One of the biggest news this is our new productline Herbalife 24. It is the best products you can find if you are a serious athlete, and Herbalife has made it so easy for us to sell these products.

All you need to do is start to do sport, use the products and recommend them to those you do sport with. When they want to know which products they should use, you can get all the product information directly from the doctors who made them, and use them themselves. Here they give a full product presentation, and you can on top of that just fill out the survey, and get the product use specifically for that sport activity.

Can it be more dublicatable? I guess Not.

Herbalife is known to be ahead of the competition, and with this new productline, we just hit a totally new area of  potential costumers and business builders. And our company have done 90% og the work already! HUGE! 

Take a look at the productline here and make the survey, so you know how to use the products and which products are recommended by the doctors who made them based on scientifically proof!

Sep 13, 2011

Herbalife New Business Opportunity in new countries

We have just launched our Herbalife Business and MLM opportunity in new countries. Herbalife is the biggest MLM and Network Marketing Company in the wellness industry with one of the best paying marketing plans. Right now you can get a fast start building up the business.

What you need to get started successfully is mlm business training. Nobody is born experienced, but you can learn it all. Following those who have years of experience will shortcut your way to success. If you have experience with network marketing and MLM, you have already an advantage, but if you are new to MLM and Network Marketing and just looking for a new business opportunity, Herbalife business opportunity is the best choice.

In my email training series you will learn how to get a fast start so you as quick as possible can build a substancial residual income, that can pay off your depths, give you much more free time for your family and personal interests and with a residual income that grows bigger than your monthly salary, you will have the freedom to live your life the way you want, and where you want.

If you want to learn how you can build your new Herbalife business opportunity, go and fill out the form to your right and you will recieve immidiately our presentation book a long with weekly email training that helps you build your business both without the internet and on the internet.

Jul 20, 2011

Why 74 cents determines your future to be rich or poor!

Here the other day, one of my new distributors came to my office, to buy one product from me.
He was still waiting for his products to arrive, and in the meantime he have had a new costumer.

So He called me up, very enthusiastic telling me “I have one new costumer, but my products arrive tomorrow, can I come by your office and buy it from you today, so I can deliver it to him tonight?”

Of course was my answer, and he came to my office 2 hours later.

When he came to my office, my first communication was; “Great Albert, just got a new costumer, how did you do? Albert explained to me, ” Well he is one of my colleeges and I met him …….…and, he wants energy, so I recommended him the Guarana tablets. Alright, do you remember the price with 35% discount? And Albert answered; “yes, 17 € and something, and here you have 17€. Albert gave me the 17€ and went to deliver the Guarana products to his new costumer.

After I did my accounting as I always do, no matter the size of the order, and when I looked at the price with 35% discount it said 17,74 €.

The missing 74 cents won´t change my life was my first thought, but it kept staying in my mind until I finally got it.

There is a whole world of difference!

Now I explain to you why.

The right action would have been paying 18€ , and why is that?

Because, giving a little less than expected, you communicate and outflow to the universe; oh, there is not enough, so poor me, I can only give a little less than expected!

Since the universe always responds to us the same way we communicate to it, the universe will flow back the same way with “a little less than expected”…

What does that mean to you and your business when you flow out “a little less than expected”? It means that in all your efforts to build costumers and downline, you wil receive a little less than expected all the time.

You go out and talk to 10 people about your products, and instead of making 2 good serious costumers, you make 1, who is not sure if it is the right for him/ her and therefore only wants to try for 2 weeks with one product.

When you recruit 10 new distributors, instead of getting 2 business builders, you get new distributors who make less than you expect, don´t dublicate your effort, and your downline don´t grow that easily. You see, everything starts to be hard and difficult, simply because the universe responds to you exactly the same way you communicate to the universe. A little less than expected.

So with this in mind, I called Albert up again, and explained to him how to change that flow.

Here is what happens to you, when you apply this little detail.

Instead of paying 17€ for a product that costs 17,76€ , you simply pay 18€ . Giving a little more than expected, you flow out to the universe, “Hey, here is more than enough, I give more than you expect” and what happens, you change the flow, and the universe will respond to you the exact same way. “Hey, here is more than enough, here you have more than you expect”…..

Seems like a mystery, but you will start to experience that new costumers start to come to you, buying full programs, referring you to their friends and relatives, so you sell more products.

New distributors you recruit, start to build their businesses by themselves and your downline grow, and your check grow, and you just think, “well I must be lucky, I am getting much more than I expect”.

Well, you are not lucky, you are just giving more than was expected, and that is why you receive more than you expect.

So here is what you need to do!

Give always more than is expected, if your child want to play with you, give him/her the best time in his life ever, if your wife wants a kiss and your attention, give her a big smile, a big kiss, and tell her I love you, you are much more than I expected!

If you need to clean your house or your car, give it a much better clean up than it expects!

If you go to a restaurant to have a dinner, smile to the waiter, tell him that the service was great, the food was exellent, and pay him a little extra!

If your prospects want to know how to lose weight?
Instead of selling them the products immidiately, talk with your prospects and explain to them why they keep increase weight, and what they can do by themselves right now, without spending a dime.

When your prospects want to start the business with you, instead of just sign them up and sell them more products than you can. Find out what they really want to get out of the business, and explain to them how they can get it, and help them to get it. Give them much more than they expect.

And you will see that you receive much more than you expect in all areas of your life. Your business, your family, your friends, your colleeges, your downline, your neighbourhood, your city, your personal belongings etc etc.

You soon experience how easy it is to make your dreams come true, actually you will get much more than you expect.

I wish you all the best,

Jun 12, 2011

How To Become A Successful Herbalife Distributor, Start with the Distributor Kit

To become successful in Herbalife, you need to get your own Herbalife Distributor kit, that allow you to build your Herbalife Business worldwide in more than 75 countries right from your home.
To do that you need to find a Herbalife sponsor who can teach you how to build your Herbalife Network Marketing Business successfully, so you reach your goals faster and easier.

Start to determine your goals, do you want an extra part time income, or a residual income that can pay your bills or help you get out of depts?

Or do you want Financial freedom, an extraordinary income that keeps coming in month after month?

To make your dreams come true, you need to find a Herbalife Sponsor and get started;

A sponsor you can trust, and that will guide you to take the right decisions in your business, and respect you.

Who cares more about you and your success than his/her own success.

Who can provide you with the right training, so you can benefit from your upline experience, so you don´t need to find out what works and what does´nt. This will help you to reach your ultimate goals faster.

Who can train you and your downline to be successful before you have enough experience to do it by yourself.

Who knows the name of the game, and knows what you need to improve so you get better results with less efforts

Who can teach you how to maximize the marketing plan so you make more money in less time.

Who can teach you how to work locally , nationally, and internationally right from your home, so you can benefit from The Herbalife Businesss opportunity worldwide.

To become a successful Herbalife Distributor, you can get my free email training and Herbalife presentationbook right here

May 16, 2011

Passive Income! How to recruit the right people for your passive income business.

The real product in your network marketing business is passive income.
What is passive income?
Passive income is an income that comes in every month, without you doing anything!
An example is, lets say you have a house that you rent out, and the monthly mortgage is 1000$.
These 1000$ is your passive income that keeps coming in every month without any work on your part. Another example is an investment. Lets say you have 1000000$ in your bankaccount, and your bank pays you 1% a year. That’s 10.000$ a year, which is your passive income.

When you build your network marketing business, you build it to create this kind of passive income, that keeps coming in every month, no matter where you are in the world and what you are doing. This kind of income gives you more money and more time to enjoy your life.

This is why that Network Marketing business is so popular. You can start with no money, and over time create a passive income with no limits. But this kind of income you can only create with the right kind of people.

When you promote your business, you get exactly what you ask for. Therefore it is very important that you get this very clear, so you know exactly what you are offering, why you are offering it, and to whom you should promote your business to.

If you promote your business as a “part time or full time” job, you get exactly people who are looking for a part time or full time job. Why are they looking for a job? Because they are probably disoccupied, or working with a low paid job. Means they are used to do a job with low responsibility and therefore low income. Can this kind of person build a network marketing business with you? The answer is YES, of course he/she can do it. It is simple and easy to build a network marketing business, but will he take the responsibility to build an empire with you?
Probably NOT.
So promoting your business as a part-time / full-time job, will give you a lot of work and no passive income.

Instead here is how you should promote your business opportunity.

Talk about passive income, Royalty business, ask people already occupied with investment business, banking business, business owners, if they know people interested in creating a passive income? They will probably ask, what do you mean, what is a passive income?

Make an example of a passive income and ask if they know somebody who might be interested in a passive income like this with no investment? They will for sure answer, “yes I am”, make an appointment where you in 30 min explain how your business create passive income.

To become millionaire you only need 5 people of this kind.

If you want to create million$ as passive income fill out the form , and I will send youg our presentation book and training on your email.

Have a great day,


Mar 23, 2011

MLM Training! Why you should´nt convince anybody to join your business

If you are new to mlm and the network marketing industry you need MLM Training to avoid the biggest mlm mistakes. One of these is convincing people to join your business.

A lot of people ask me, how can I convince people to join my business or buy my products. It is obvious that when you don´t have any experince or are new to mlm and network marketing, you ask this question.

Here is the why that you should´nt convince anybody to join your mlm and network marketing business.

Every distributor are independent, so you do not have any boss, and you do not have any employees, and your business is self motivated.

So what happens when you are good at convincing people to join your mlm and network marketing business?

You sign up a lot of people, and they are very exited at the moment they join and sre with you. But the moment they are with themselves, they start to think that maybe it was a mistake... I can never succeed.... etc etc. So to make your people build there business and work on it every day, you need to convince them all the time!

You need to call them every day to convince them to work, and you need to convince them to go to the next meeting... and basically you need to convince them all the way until they become succesful.

It is hard work! 

Instead you just do presentations every day, the right person will always show up, no matter how you do the presentation. He or She knows before you start, that this is exactly what they are looking for. With these kind of sign ups, you just need to guide them in the right direction, and they will work on there goals all by themselves.

And this is what you want! Independent people in your downline, who follow instructions and guidance and build there business 100% on there own determination.

Now you can build new independent distributors in your organization.

Convincing people is only something useful if your are a sales person with no need of further relationship with costumers. But your business is build 100% on relationships, therefore you just promote the business to the right people, and work with those who are convinced by themselves that this business is right for them.

When you promote your business with this in mind, you get much more success with much less effort in your mlm and network marketing business

Mar 11, 2011

Herbalife Malaysia How to find the best nutritional Herbalife products in the world

Herbalife Malaysia supports Herbalife costumers and consumers in all the country for a better lifestyle

Herbalife offers in Malaysia the finest nutritional products for lose weight, more energy and a better and healthier lifestyle thanks to these uniqie nutritional products based on balanced low calorie meal replacement.

With the Herbalife Formula 1 shake you can control your weight, in a simple way you can lose weight, gain musclemass and maintain your weight.

Herbalife has more than 30 years of experience helping people around the world get a healthier body, and lose the extra weight.

Now we offer all the products from Herbalife in Malaysia on our online store where you can read more about each nutritional product. You find also fantastic skin care products to reduce aging and to keep a healthier skin thanks to these natural nutrition for the inside products based on A C and E vitamins.

You can find all the Herbalife products here

Mar 4, 2011

Mar 3, 2011

Herbalife Webshop for all

When you work your Herbalife Business on the internet you definitely need an online shop where you can direct your prospect to buy your products or buy an International Business Pack. To make a shop you need normally a good amount of money to say at least, and a reliable webmaster if you do not want to spend several hours a day, optimizing the site, add grafics, html codes etc etc. This is a huge job, and when there is a price change or a new product launch, you need to spend additional hours to make your shop up to date.

And what do you do with your new team?

Here is the biggest waste of time, when everybody have to create there personal shop. This is not want you want to happen. Therefore you need a solution fast and dublicatable so your team members can work online within minutes, spend there time on promoting there business and products and make money.

The personal presence on the web you do with your blog, so you stand out of the crowd. But when you have people opting in to your list, you want fast and dublicatable websites your team can connect to.

This is why I have chosen this service here, so everybody can get going online within minutes, and make costumers and new distributors worldwide.

This system is fully integrated with paypal and propay creditcard payment solutions, so all you need to do is getting started, promote your websites through your blog and press-releases. get traffic and prospects and build you base of consumers and new distributors.

Take a look here for products;
Herbalife online webshop

For those of you who are interested in the business opportunity take a look here;

Herbalife Business Opportunity

To get registered for only 9,95$ a month go here

Have a great day

Mar 1, 2011

Build A Herbalife Downline Organization Fast

When you want to build your Herbalife organization fast in your country, and you start to talk to people to bring as many people as possible with you to the next big event, you need to focus on few succesful steps. You do not need to find all of them yourself.

Here is what you do!

The first person you talk to is usually your best friend or your brother or sister or a person near to you. Use the presentation book, and go through it together. After you have done the presentation, you simply ask, "Are you interested to know more about this new business? The answer should be very clear, yes or no!

If you get a YES, help you new guy or girl to write the list of eveybody they know, so you can do a presentation together with each person from that list. In this way you work deep. Just continue to repeat this same thing with your new people, make them write down there list and continue to work deep.

One person can bring you 100´s of new people.

What you want to do when you get a "No , I am not interested" is get people from that person. Simply ask, "ok, but let me ask you a question, Who do you know, who might be interested?" your person will think it over and respond like, "wait a minute...My brother always talks about his financial problems, or I have a good friend who might be interested..... etc etc.

Get 5 people each time you get a "No, I am not interested", Never leave the person with nothing, always make sure you get some names to contact, so you can continue your work.

Our business is a people business, and we all know somebody who might be interested. Make sure you always get new people to contact no matter if you get a "yes" or a "no". Teach your people the same, work with there list, and teach them that with a "no" they always get new people to contact too.

When you have 5 people yourself, working with them will easily become 25 in a week or two, these 25 become easily 125 new people in 2-4 weeks. Continue to work deep in your group of people until you hit the 6th level.

And bring everybody in your team with you at the event. At the event your whole team will be trained by the most experienced distributors on the planet on the products and the business. So After the event you will have a nice big group of trained distributors who knows how to earn money everyday making new costumers and expand the team making new distributors.

Do it this way in every situation you meet, always ask for referals and continue to work deep.

This is how you build a Herbalife downline organization fast.

Herbalife Business Opportunity Success, Work With A Herbalife Leader!

When you want to start your Herbalife business opportunity, your success depend only on you. But not all are equal, and as a new Herbalife distributor your success also depend on who are teaching you how to build you business.

I just discovered that working with a leader makes you become a leader much faster, and this is very important. Only true leaders become millionaires, because only true leaders attract new leaders.

As a leader you have the power to build a big Herbalife downline. So what you need to focus on, when you want to start your Herbalife business is to find the right leader who can teach you how to build your business effectively and make you grow into a leader as fast as possible.

Only Herbalife leaders build big downlines and as a leader you have the power to inspire and motivate your downline just being the one you have become.

How to become a leader fast you learn by working with leaders using there techniques and working habbits.
On my website you find some new training tools for online and offline lead generation, that will help you to attract leaders to you Herbalife business

Feb 25, 2011

The Secret Behind a Successful Business Presentation

A successful business presentation no matter if you do it on the phone or at a live meeting depend on the people you are talking to.

First of all you need the right kind of people. You cannot sign a person up in your business if he/she is looking for a “job”(just over broke) No matter how good you are and your business is doing, if the person in front of you wants a “job” you will never sign him/her up, and you should´nt even try.

Why is that? Because if you spend hours and hours to convince him that joining you in your business will make him rich and financially free, you will end up mentally dead, with a person that don´t see what you see, and if he signs up, you are going to build his business for him…

This is not what you want!

What you want is people who are self determined, and looking for the right kind of business so they can take action now, and build there fortune. The right kind of people already know that only with their own business they can get rich, and they are ready to build it when they find it.

So when you have the right kind of people in front of you, here is what´s important!

There decision is based on;

10% of the information about the business, the products, the marketing plan the bonuses.
90% of your energy! Yes your energy is everything!
It is not about what you are saying, but it is all about how you feel about what you are saying.
When you truly believe, and you truly believe in your people, your company, your sponsor, your products, the people can feel it, and they want to be part of you. So they will join you in your business.

All the information you gave them about the business, they forget in 5 minutes, they do not remember , but what they do remember is you and your energy!

So when you do presentations , build your energy! Make sure you feel good about yourself.

Elimate all negativity around you, so you are full of positive energy.

Take a look in your mirror and say “I love you” to yourself in the mirror, and do it enough times to get the feeling that you truly love yourself. And if this is´nt enough , then say “you find me irresistible” this will for sure give you a smile on your face and light in your eyes. And your people will start to think this! 


Feb 20, 2011

Herbalife Business Opportunity Launch Tblisi Georgia

Herbalife Worldwide known Nutrition and Network Marketing Company Launched our new business opportunity in Tblisi Georgia last week.

We are looking for business minded people in Tblisi who wants to build a successful network marketing company in Georgia.

If you have already experience with network marketing, then you also know, that being the first in your country is a huge advantage! Our Business opportunity has helped thousands of people around the world making an extra income from home and for those who wants to get rich, a financial wall nobody can ever take away.

If you are the right kind of person, then fill out the form to the right, where you get our Herbalife presentation book, and training on your email, that’s helps you get the best start possible in this one in a lifetime unique moment you have.

Build your you new Herbalife Network Marketing Business with one of the most successful teams in the company.

Feb 13, 2011

New MLM And Network Marketing Business in Georgia Tblisi

In less than 2 weeks time we open Georgia in Tbilisi for our worldwide successful Mlm and network Marketing company for new distribitors in Georgia.

Be one of the first new distributors in Georgia Tbilisi and build a successful new mlm and network marketing business in short time. Getting to know this before anybody else gives you a huge advantage.
Here on my website you can get a free email course, how to get started today, and build a team that can go with you at the opening event. This way you get a fast start, and you will from day 1 have a team under you already taught how to build the business with you.

You need few good people , to get huge success. If you are one of a very few, then I look forward to teach you how to get success with our business in your country right from the beginning.

Our company is ethical, serious and has experience and success for years. You and your team will get trained from now on and up to the opening event. Here you will meet all the top earners in the company and learn directly from the most successful distributors in our network marketing company.
Right now we are looking for the right kind of people who wants to build up our company in Georgia Tblisi, If you are this kind of person who wants to build your financial security working with one of the strongest and most successful mlm and network marketing company in the world, then fill out the form to the right, and receive immediate training.

Feb 6, 2011

Calling Work At Home Mom´s For A New Business Opportunity

One of the largest work at home companies in the world with more work at home mom´s building their Home based business succesfully, are looking for more new business builders.

Our company has more work from home mom´s than any other company in the whole world, and our business opportunity is the perfect for women who likes to have fun working from home, and women who has a dream of being independent and successful business women.

We work from home, on the internet and without the internet, building the business in 75 countries.

Are you a work at home mom, and are you dreaming of building a better future for yourself and your family, then take action!

If you have prior experience working from home, you are very lucky getting to know this work from home opportunity before anybody else will, and if you do not have any experience working from home, you will still recieve all the training you need, to build a sucessful business from home, making an extra income part or full time or create an international business worldwide.

This is huge, so I recommend that you fill out the form to the right, and get the free presentation book and 30 days of free training on how to build a better future for yourself and your family, working with this lifechanging company!

Be one of the first! Take action now!

Jan 25, 2011

New Business Opportunity Start!

Our Business Opportunity Started in Bulgaria rezently. If you are from Bulgaria or live in Bulgaria, or if you know somebody from Bulgaria, who is looking to start a new Business Opportunity, but wants to build a real business proven to work for more than 30 years, then you have an incredible moment right now!

Our Business has build more millionaires around the globe than any other businesses in all Network Marketing History, and you can be sure that building your network with our company, your business will also flourish 20 years from now.

We have developed daily methods of operation proven to work during the last 30 year.

That´s why you can be sure that, if you are teachable, with a desire to learn the basics of how to build this business and a will to work everyday, your success is inevitable!

What you need to do to get results faster than ever before is to get the presentation book, and the free training available, you recieve on your email, and prepare yourself to start a new business opportunity in Bulgaria.

You can get the free presentation book and a free training on how to build your business today, so you get the max out of getting started in this great new country.

Ask yourself,"what will happen if I show this unique business opportunity to 5 people today?"