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Jul 20, 2011

Why 74 cents determines your future to be rich or poor!

Here the other day, one of my new distributors came to my office, to buy one product from me.
He was still waiting for his products to arrive, and in the meantime he have had a new costumer.

So He called me up, very enthusiastic telling me “I have one new costumer, but my products arrive tomorrow, can I come by your office and buy it from you today, so I can deliver it to him tonight?”

Of course was my answer, and he came to my office 2 hours later.

When he came to my office, my first communication was; “Great Albert, just got a new costumer, how did you do? Albert explained to me, ” Well he is one of my colleeges and I met him …….…and, he wants energy, so I recommended him the Guarana tablets. Alright, do you remember the price with 35% discount? And Albert answered; “yes, 17 € and something, and here you have 17€. Albert gave me the 17€ and went to deliver the Guarana products to his new costumer.

After I did my accounting as I always do, no matter the size of the order, and when I looked at the price with 35% discount it said 17,74 €.

The missing 74 cents won´t change my life was my first thought, but it kept staying in my mind until I finally got it.

There is a whole world of difference!

Now I explain to you why.

The right action would have been paying 18€ , and why is that?

Because, giving a little less than expected, you communicate and outflow to the universe; oh, there is not enough, so poor me, I can only give a little less than expected!

Since the universe always responds to us the same way we communicate to it, the universe will flow back the same way with “a little less than expected”…

What does that mean to you and your business when you flow out “a little less than expected”? It means that in all your efforts to build costumers and downline, you wil receive a little less than expected all the time.

You go out and talk to 10 people about your products, and instead of making 2 good serious costumers, you make 1, who is not sure if it is the right for him/ her and therefore only wants to try for 2 weeks with one product.

When you recruit 10 new distributors, instead of getting 2 business builders, you get new distributors who make less than you expect, don´t dublicate your effort, and your downline don´t grow that easily. You see, everything starts to be hard and difficult, simply because the universe responds to you exactly the same way you communicate to the universe. A little less than expected.

So with this in mind, I called Albert up again, and explained to him how to change that flow.

Here is what happens to you, when you apply this little detail.

Instead of paying 17€ for a product that costs 17,76€ , you simply pay 18€ . Giving a little more than expected, you flow out to the universe, “Hey, here is more than enough, I give more than you expect” and what happens, you change the flow, and the universe will respond to you the exact same way. “Hey, here is more than enough, here you have more than you expect”…..

Seems like a mystery, but you will start to experience that new costumers start to come to you, buying full programs, referring you to their friends and relatives, so you sell more products.

New distributors you recruit, start to build their businesses by themselves and your downline grow, and your check grow, and you just think, “well I must be lucky, I am getting much more than I expect”.

Well, you are not lucky, you are just giving more than was expected, and that is why you receive more than you expect.

So here is what you need to do!

Give always more than is expected, if your child want to play with you, give him/her the best time in his life ever, if your wife wants a kiss and your attention, give her a big smile, a big kiss, and tell her I love you, you are much more than I expected!

If you need to clean your house or your car, give it a much better clean up than it expects!

If you go to a restaurant to have a dinner, smile to the waiter, tell him that the service was great, the food was exellent, and pay him a little extra!

If your prospects want to know how to lose weight?
Instead of selling them the products immidiately, talk with your prospects and explain to them why they keep increase weight, and what they can do by themselves right now, without spending a dime.

When your prospects want to start the business with you, instead of just sign them up and sell them more products than you can. Find out what they really want to get out of the business, and explain to them how they can get it, and help them to get it. Give them much more than they expect.

And you will see that you receive much more than you expect in all areas of your life. Your business, your family, your friends, your colleeges, your downline, your neighbourhood, your city, your personal belongings etc etc.

You soon experience how easy it is to make your dreams come true, actually you will get much more than you expect.

I wish you all the best,

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