About MLM-Launch

Here you find important information about our company and you get also the training you need to prepare you to get a fast start in your country!
You can get the free download of our presentationbook, just fill out the easy form at the right, and here you also learn how to build your business succesfully no matter which country you live in.
This gives you a huge advantage!
Enjoy and I wish you all your dreams come!

Jan 28, 2012

Herbalife Business Opportunity Now In Bellarus

Now it is official, Herbalife has just announced the opening date for launching Herbalife Business Opportunity in Bellarus as the 76th country where we now can do business.
If you don´t know where Bellarus is, then I can tell you how to find it. Go to Google earth and search for Bellarus. It is one the old countries of the old sovjet union.

So here is what you want to do, start to look for people in Bellarus, ask anybody you know and meet, if they know somebody from Bellarus? You will soon meet somebody who are from Bellarus or know somebody in Bellarus. Call them and invite them to the opening event at the 6th of July in