The real product in your network marketing business is passive income.
What is passive income?
Passive income is an income that comes in every month, without you doing anything!
An example is, lets say you have a house that you rent out, and the monthly mortgage is 1000$.
These 1000$ is your passive income that keeps coming in every month without any work on your part. Another example is an investment. Lets say you have 1000000$ in your bankaccount, and your bank pays you 1% a year. That’s 10.000$ a year, which is your passive income.
When you build your network marketing business, you build it to create this kind of passive income, that keeps coming in every month, no matter where you are in the world and what you are doing. This kind of income gives you more money and more time to enjoy your life.
This is why that Network Marketing business is so popular. You can start with no money, and over time create a passive income with no limits. But this kind of income you can only create with the right kind of people.
When you promote your business, you get exactly what you ask for. Therefore it is very important that you get this very clear, so you know exactly what you are offering, why you are offering it, and to whom you should promote your business to.
If you promote your business as a “part time or full time” job, you get exactly people who are looking for a part time or full time job. Why are they looking for a job? Because they are probably disoccupied, or working with a low paid job. Means they are used to do a job with low responsibility and therefore low income. Can this kind of person build a network marketing business with you? The answer is YES, of course he/she can do it. It is simple and easy to build a network marketing business, but will he take the responsibility to build an empire with you?
Probably NOT.
So promoting your business as a part-time / full-time job, will give you a lot of work and no passive income.
Instead here is how you should promote your business opportunity.
Talk about passive income, Royalty business, ask people already occupied with investment business, banking business, business owners, if they know people interested in creating a passive income? They will probably ask, what do you mean, what is a passive income?
Make an example of a passive income and ask if they know somebody who might be interested in a passive income like this with no investment? They will for sure answer, “yes I am”, make an appointment where you in 30 min explain how your business create passive income.
To become millionaire you only need 5 people of this kind.
If you want to create million$ as passive income fill out the form , and I will send youg our presentation book and training on your email.
Have a great day,