If you are new to mlm and the network marketing industry you need MLM Training to avoid the biggest mlm mistakes. One of these is convincing people to join your business.
A lot of people ask me, how can I convince people to join my business or buy my products. It is obvious that when you don´t have any experince or are new to mlm and network marketing, you ask this question.
Here is the why that you should´nt convince anybody to join your mlm and network marketing business.
Every distributor are independent, so you do not have any boss, and you do not have any employees, and your business is self motivated.
So what happens when you are good at convincing people to join your mlm and network marketing business?
You sign up a lot of people, and they are very exited at the moment they join and sre with you. But the moment they are with themselves, they start to think that maybe it was a mistake... I can never succeed.... etc etc. So to make your people build there business and work on it every day, you need to convince them all the time!
You need to call them every day to convince them to work, and you need to convince them to go to the next meeting... and basically you need to convince them all the way until they become succesful.
It is hard work!
Instead you just do presentations every day, the right person will always show up, no matter how you do the presentation. He or She knows before you start, that this is exactly what they are looking for. With these kind of sign ups, you just need to guide them in the right direction, and they will work on there goals all by themselves.
And this is what you want! Independent people in your downline, who follow instructions and guidance and build there business 100% on there own determination.
Now you can build new independent distributors in your organization.
Convincing people is only something useful if your are a sales person with no need of further relationship with costumers. But your business is build 100% on relationships, therefore you just promote the business to the right people, and work with those who are convinced by themselves that this business is right for them.
When you promote your business with this in mind, you get much more success with much less effort in your mlm and network marketing business
Thank you for such a powerful advice.